
SLEEP NO MORE (2016 - 2020)

"A merry macabre chase. A voyeur’s delight. Messes with your head as thoroughly as any artificial stimulant. Spectacular!" - Ben Brantley, The New York Times

“The show infects your dreams. I’ve felt theater overwhelm me before, but until Sleep No More, I’ve never felt it pass through me. It was a lovely evening in hell, one I’ll be recovering from for some time.” - Scott Brown, New York Magazine

"One of the most entertaining and involving works of theater you're likely to see! If you have any sense of adventure, this is theater you don't want to miss." - Huffington Post

ROLES: Cordelia, Orcle, Tiny Town, Matron Lang.

COCKTAIL MAGIQUE (2022 - 2023)

Original cast of Company XIV’s Cocktail Magique.

Singer/Tarot Reader/Ensemble.



by Michael Bontatibus (WITNESS Immersive)

“A trio of interlocking mysteries, each linked by the same enigmatic woman.

Three private detectives who couldn’t be more different.

The city by night, where no one can be trusted and nothing is as it seems.

Step out of your seat, and choose who to follow on their journey into the underbelly of a world that swallows men whole…”

NOIRTOWN ran from August 9-25, 2019 as part of the Rave Theater Festival at Teatro LATEA. Audiences were plunged into the world of film noir as they followed the threads of three radically different detectives investigating three radically different cases, all linked by the same enigmatic femme fatale. NOIRTOWN ran for a sold-out string of performances where audience members were invited to play detective themselves, spiraling down an ever-lengthening rabbit hole of three intertwining mysteries.

"Electrifying … If film noir is the cinematic style that best captures the mysterious quality of dreams, Noirtown succeeds in making those fantasies tangible.”
The New York Times

"Blew my mind ... probably the best specimen of this genre I have ever seen."
No Proscenium


"It was uncanny how much Noirtown made me feel as if I was living inside a film noir classic like ‘The Maltese Falcon’ or ‘The Big Sleep’."
New York Theater

The Let Go

(Park Avenue Armory - 2018)

“…one of the most popular contemporary artists [who] turns his serious ideas into buoyant aesthetic concepts”
The New York Times

Interdisciplinary artist Nick Cave creates a dance-based town hall—part installation, part performance—to which the community of New York is invited to “let go” and speak their minds through movement, work out frustrations, and celebrate independence as well as community. The reimagined Wade Thompson Drill Hall allows for social gatherings and is activated by “chase,” a multi-colored, 100-foot-long mylar sculpture that glides across the dance floor.


Green Eyes

An immersive Tennessee Williams Experience performed 03/26/17 at The Box NYC.

Click for my episode in "THE ELEVATOR" a series created for Instagram.

“Welcome to Eschaton, a virtual nightclub and immersive experience featuring dozens of world-class performers. Wander this maze of rooms where you can interact and find a new strange delight behind every doorway. Meet up with friends, invite a date, or come alone.”

ROLE: SOREN, a siren & tarot reader.

”There's a mystery at the heart of Eschaton… part theater, part nightlife simulator, part Chatroulette, taking place Saturday nights on Zoom.
It conveys the illusion of being a maze of interconnected rooms…”