(The project formerly known as MURDERVILLE)

An absurd mockumentary set in a quaint town where two true crime obsessed retail employees play detective when girls start disappearing in their own backyard. As the bodies are found, the klutzy but lucky women see if they can beat the cops to track the serial killer.

WELCOME TO KILLJOY is a female driven dark comedy where “Fargo” meets “The Office” a la a dynamic duo like “Broad City”. Oh gosh.

The series created, written & produced by
Ginger Kearns & Chelsey Ng.

WELCOME TO KILLJOY was a finalist for the 2022 Filmmatic TV Pilot Awards, 2019 Sundance Episodic Lab & The Crime List (2019).

All episodes are streaming now -
Only on

Produced by: instaMiniSeries (Nikki Borges, Ceci Fernandez), PinkAmongMen, Ahmir ‘Questlove’ Thompson, Ginger Kearns & Chelsey Ng.


HOST/SINGER for Dances of Vice’s new Neo-Noir Fantasy Cabaret at Red Pavillion.

”Lust Caution is a neo-noir fantasy cabaret experience designed to elevate your senses - and your heart rate - with a rotating cast of nightlife luminaries performing live burlesque, aerial, cirque, sideshow, and fetish acts presented by Dances of Vice.”

Catch me crooning on 3/9, 3/30 (Violenza & Lust Caution!)


A cheeky variety show hosted by yours truly complete with a 5 piece band and rotating singers and performers specializing in burlesque, circus & drag.

Follow our new IG & me for more updates @TheBlindTigerShow @chelseyng x